His and Hers

This crossword was created by Greg WibblyWobbly with EclipseCrossword - www.eclipsecrossword.com

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Going Up

  1. What Miss French wore to cause a "stir" in the Gent's department
  2. Young Mr. Grace is the pricipal "this" in the "His and Hers" company
  3. Mr. Humphries wonders if he needs this to talk to Miss French
  4. This is what Captain Peacock does when one is signing the "sign in" book
  5. What Mrs. Slocombe should remove and put perfume there
  6. This was the gift to those who bought "His"
  7. Humphries was wearing a "Sherlock Holmes" style of this
  8. She was the subject of all of Mash's jokes
  9. The name of the scent that was being sold at the new counter
  10. She is Deidre's cleaning partner
  11. What Mr. Grainger should remove and put perfume there
  12. This man was doing the "papering"
  13. "HIS" the ___ _____ perfume !
  14. Who Mr. Grainger wants to give a piece of his mind to
  15. What Captain Peacock was when Mrs. Peacock went away for 2 days
  16. The price for a bottle of "His and Hers"

Going Down

  1. This staff member works in Hardware
  2. Where Lucas picked up a bird
  3. Where Lucas wasn't to enter till Captain Peacock leaves the floor
  4. Mr. Humphries remarks that Captain Peacock has this type of smile
  5. Mr. Humphries isn't as firm as Captain Peacock's
  6. Captain Peacock's eyes were glued to these
  7. The role Mr. Grainger played in Grace Brothers production of "Murder In The Cathedral"
  8. Mr. Grainger almost has a heart attack when he notices this gone
  9. The amount that Lucas had in his wallet
  10. Between this book and Lady Chatterly is where Lucas hangs at the library
  11. Mrs. Slocombe suggests to Captain Peacock that he shouldn't get these out
  12. This historical figure wanted to get "rid" of Becket
  13. What Miss French sells
  14. Mash said that this was bunged up in the basement
  15. This was the free gift for those who bought "Hers"
  16. "Keep your chappy happy with ______ ____ stockings !"
  17. What Miss Brahms had in the whole length of her tights

This crossword puzzle was created by Greg WibblyWobbly with EclipseCrossword. Try it today—it's free!