Camping In

This crossword was created by Greg WibblyWobbly with EclipseCrossword -

1      2                                            3
  5                6          7   
8    9  10    11               
      13  14               
  18                              1920 
21            22                       
23            24           
        29      30               
    32                                  33

Going Up

  1. This is indisdigusable from the "real" imitation leatherette.
  2. Campfire song staff was singing.
  3. Insultive name the Scotsman called Lucas.
  4. Walked in wearing a kilt.
  5. Mrs. Slocombe would have made a wonderful one, seeing as she has so much room up on top.
  6. Capt. Peacock asked "Where am I supposed to do this ??"
  7. First male customer was looking for a pair of these.
  8. Mrs. Slocombe doesn't want to kip down like these two characters.
  9. What Mr. Humphries does to his tape measure to ensure it's not too cold.
  10. Worn by Scotsman.
  11. Mr. Humphries was in this, just not officially.
  12. Mr. Mash handed these out to the staff.
  13. What Mr. Lucas wants to play with Miss Brahms in Soft Furnishings.
  14. Mr. Lucas wanted to get Mrs. Slocombe and Miss Brahms each on from the Novelty Department.
  15. This was Mrs. Slocombe's war time help.
  16. Miss Brahms asks Mr. Rumbold if this is where he was going.
  17. Branch of service that Mr. Rumbold served in.
  18. After the ladie didn't want the hat and wanted shoes instead, Mrs. Slocombe calls her this.
  19. Miss Brahms wants Mr. Lucas to sleep inside of this.
  20. Mr. Grainger was in this during the war.

Going Down

  1. Used to take an inside leg.
  2. Where Mr. Rumbold was planning on taking his car.
  3. What made Mrs. Slocombe's customers hat so "youthful".
  4. Miss Brahms father was one.
  5. Why the staff had to resort to "Camping In".
  6. Movie star that Mrs. Slocombe thought the couster looked liked in her 40's.
  7. Name of the book that Mr. Lucas wants to get for Miss Brahms.
  8. The "Healthy Girl" wore this sized bra.
  9. Mr. Grainger's war time character he played to entertain the troops.
  10. If Mr. Lucas didn't make any of this, he'd starve to death.
  11. Mr. Humphries given up taking inside legs for this.
  12. Scottish word for "trousers".
  13. They look but don't touch.
  14. Male customer at Ladies counter wondered if Mrs. Slocombe had on of these.
  15. The German who broadcast propaganda to the British.
  16. What the staff slept in.
  17. Male customer on Ladies counter was buying a bra for his ______ .
  18. Mr. Lucas asks the Scotsman which side he wore this on.

This crossword puzzle was created by Greg WibblyWobbly with EclipseCrossword. Try it today—it's free!