The Wibster's AYBS? Crossword #3

This crossword was created by Greg Wibbly Wobbly with EclipseCrossword by Green Eclipse Software —

1   2                
3   4 5
  8 9 10                    
      12     13   14        
    15                       16  
18           19                  


1. She was Miss Intimate Apparel

6. Last eppy in the series.

10. She was Miss Novelty Candles

11. Miss Brahms first name.

12. British dollar (slang)

14. Eppy featuring Scotish dancing and black face.

15. Eppy with "Mertyl"

17. Mr. Humphries first name.

18. City where Grace Brothers is located.

19. Known as the "Gold as Green gorilla"

20. First eppy without Mr. Lucas.

21. Name of Mrs. Slocombe's story from "Calling All Customers".


2. British term for perfume

3. Mrs. Slocombe - "Your ____ ____ ____ !" (3 words)

4. "There once was a _______ from Sayle"

5. Grace Brothers address

7. What staff was watching in "Gambling Fever".

8. Queen and owner of this board.

9. Mr. Tebb's first name.

13. Mr. Lucas's first name.

16. British slang for underwear.

17. Name of Mrs. Slocombe's canary.


This crossword puzzle was created by Greg Wibbly Wobbly with EclipseCrossword. Try it today—it's free!